Monday, October 15, 2007

In The Beginning...

In I must confess, this is not my first attempt at blogging. I did have a myspace account where I blogged, and I quite enjoyed it. However, as the Facebook craze took over, I found myself opening a Facebook account and becoming just as addicted as many other people. I am now ready to get back to some serious blogging.

I am a new member of the “Mom” club. I am a proud mother of my 2 month old baby girl, Alyssa. Each day brings so much joy, yet I can still remember my feelings of uneasiness when those first few weeks we had her home. I don’t know how all of you mothers out there felt when you brought your first child home, but I know I was hit with a big reality.

When you are trying to conceive you are often consumed with thoughts of hope. Then, to your surprise, you find you are pregnant. The next nine months are filled with feelings of excitement for the baby to come. How exciting it will be to hold her little hands, and rock her to sleep, and dress her in all the cute little clothes.

Then, you bring her home.

And all of a sudden, you realize, maybe you don’t know what you got yourself into. I mean, how in the world did you ever consider you could do this? Mix the first few weeks of feeling frazzled with a bit of colic, and you wonder if this is what the rest of your life will be like. And then you chastise yourself for thinking so badly. You must be a horrible mother if you have thoughts like this.

Now, I know for some Mothers they just seem to naturally ease into the Mother role. But I have learned that there are some of us that don’t find it so natural at first. I am here to say, Praise the Lord, it passes, and every day with your little blessing just gets better. Your heart leaps the moment you see that child smile for the first time, or starts to coo, or reaches for her toy. There comes a point where you realize that you don’t know what you would do without this beautiful child in your life. And that’s when you know that everything is going to be okay. Actually, it’s going to be better than okay, it’s going to be amazing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amazing..and then they turn into teenagers :)

I found you via All Women Blogging Carnival :)