Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The "Fun" Manager

As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been reading, "A Wife After God's Own Heart." and boy, is not easy to swallow. Last night the chapter was about making time for fun with your family. You'd think a chapter like that would be light-hearted, but somehow, I still felt convicted at the end of it.

I was reading about how us as women want the husband to plan some fun. Why should it always be up to us, we think? This reminded me of a scenario that happened in my house not too long ago.

My mother-in-law graciously offered to babysit our two kids so Mr. Piano man and I could go out on a much-needed date. However, my response was for her to talk to him and get him to plan something. Like he didn't have enough on his plate working tons of hours, and than coming home to a tornado of a home with kids screaming. Yet I wanted him to be the "planner" because somehow I felt it would make me feel like he cared.

In the chapter I was reading last night, it basically said that we as women should aim to be the "family planner of fun". We know our family's schedules better than most in our household usually. And bottom line, as it said in the book, plan something fun and most likely your husband WILL show up!! And gosh darn it, he'll have fun doing it!!! :)

Why as a woman do I feel I need constant validation like that from my husband, or anyone for that matter? We are busy people, and life gets in the way. Just because he is not planning things the way he may have when we dated doesn't mean he cares any less. As a matter of fact, I know he loves me MORE!! He's so busy working so hard at work to provide for his family and make sure we are taken care of.

I love this book I am reading. Even though it's hard to swallow, so far I've discovered anything I've applied from the book to my life has in turn had a positive response. Each day I want to strive to be a better manager of my home, a better mother, and a better wife. And I can only do that if I look to what God has called me to be.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hi there! So glad to see you're back! YOur post is so true ~ get planning, girl, and I KNOW Sam will show up. :) Hope all is well with you guys -- sure looks like it is.
By the way, tell Sam that the link he sent me for peeling garlic didn't work and I'd love to see if there is a trick to it!!