Wednesday, October 1, 2008

And here we go again...

Well, I forgot about this blog for quite some time, but now I am back at it. This is perfect timing for blogging in my life right now, as I can't seem to accomplish much else. Sam and I have recently discovered we are expecting again. 8 weeks into my pregnancy and I am discovering it can be harder the second time around. The morning sickness (morning?? Ha...more like, all day, every moment sickness) is back with a vengeance, and I find myself stuffing my face with whatever I can handle while I lay on the couch and try to entertain my toddler. Alyssa has been pretty good, so I can't complain. However, every once in a while I have to remind myself that it's time to feed her lunch, seeing as I am not eating too much these days. I am looking forward to feeling a little like myself again, hopefully in 4 or so weeks.

It's amazing how pregnancy can make you worry. I mean, being a mom in general makes you worry, but I find now that I am pregnant again I am worrying much more than usual, which is too much!! Chalk it up to hormones, I don't know, but I keep telling myself to calm down! Of course, the media doesn't help too much with that. I am actually starting to dislike watching Oprah. Some of her information just doesn't make sense to me, or I think I'd be better off without it. For instance, the other day I watched a show on dry drowning. I'm not going to go into details, cause I don't want to worry anyone. My point is, I watched it, and added one more thing to the list to worry about. Later however, I told myself I have to let it go, cause I can't worry about everything, I have to let my children live their life to the fullest filled with adventure and excitement!

So, yeah...that concludes my first post....maybe I'll wait for a few posts until I advertise my blog...

1 comment:

tara said...

WHAT!?!??!?!? Congratulations!!!