Monday, November 24, 2008

Smalltown Girl

Hick. Redneck.

A few of the names my city slicker friends used to describe me growing up. I resented it at the time, but now am proud of it! :)

The truth is, even though I have lived in the city since I graduated highschool, I am a smalltown girl. I always will be. I can't get it out of my blood. It has helped shaped me, and I am thankful for that.

We don't live right in the city, but it's not the same as living in a smalltown. We still go to the city to run all our errands, or for "costly" entertainment. But there are some days, like today, that I miss the smalltown feeling. Sometimes I feel like I stand out like a sore thumb in the city.

I actually lived in a big city, Hamilton, until the age of ten. When we moved, I cried for almost 4 months because I wanted to go back. Little did I know I would get so attached. Since that four months I have not once cried for my "days in the city". However, I can say I've shed tears over missing the small town.

Sometimes I long for those days when going "out" means finding a spot in the bush to have a bonfire, roasting marshmallows and hotdogs, or finding some rocks to jump off of into the lake, or going fishing or hiking. I miss the winter days of wearing ten layers of winter gear to go out snowmobiling, or skating on the lake, or tubing down our favorite camp hill. When we wanted to hang out indoors we went to someone's house and played board games, watched movies, or listened to music.

Before I went to college, I had only been to a sit down restaurant a handful of times. I had never heard of Pita Pit, Kesley's, or Montana's. We had one movie theatre that played one movie twice a week. We didn't have a mall to go "hang out in".

Sounds boring to most, but to be honest, I find myself more bored in the city than the smalltown. I guess a part of me will always still be in the smalltown, no matter where I go.

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