Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The US Election

This seems weird to be blogging about the US election, since I didn't about the Canadian election, but that's probably because I feel an issue that has inspired me to blog.

First of all, it is pretty weird to me that Canadians seem to be more involved and worked up about the US election, but I guess in all honesty, there has been more coverage of the US election than there was of the Canadian election. Obviously, this shouldn't be.

As many of you have probably heard by now, Obama has won the election. Now, this blog isn't to declare my opinion on who I think was the best candidate, because to be honest, although I had heard a bit, I would have needed to learn more about each candidate before making a proper decision.

My concern is about the goal of voting. It has been stated again and again how history has been made, how Obama is the first black president. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that our world is seeing past colour, and that racism is becoming a thing of the past (although unfortunately is still existent, just not as much). But it seemed like the focus of this campaign was "making history". Will the US elect their first black president, or their first woman vice president? I don't believe the candidates presented this in their campaigns, but the media was sure to press the issue.

I kept hearing last night how "history was in the making". But was wondering why the focus was on the colour or gender of the candidates, rather than who could be a better leader. This is not an argument to say Obama can't be a great leader - he very well may be. And he may very well be the better man for the job. Only time will tell, as it always does when it comes to electing presidents and prime ministers. But I pray that when people cast their vote they weren't voting to "make history" but to pick the leader they felt could best lead their country.

Anyways, like I said at the beginning, it's kind of weird that us Canadians are all concerned about the US election.

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