Friday, January 8, 2010

In the Kitchen...

Some people have been asking what "weird" ahem, i mean "interesting" creations I have been up to in my kitchen these days. Well, we had been doing some renovating on our house (okay, let's be honest...I watched the kids and the work being done...I didn't do any so I hadn't been able to do too much lately. But that is done for the time being, so I have been working away these past few days in the kitchen.

So, tonight, Alyssa and I had ice cream for dinner! Now before you panic, I didn't give my toddler real ice cream for dinner...raw vegan ice cream. It's basically frozen bananas pureed to a soft serve consistency. We covered it with date syrup, coconut, flax, and blueberries. I got the idea from a website I frequently visit... I get a lot of ideas from that site...the section plates, the Tiffin, the recipes. I also got a very tasty dehydrating recipe for bananas from that site. it's bananas covered with honey and flax and cocoa. Yeah, they are already gone!

In the food processor is the ice cream, and in the blender is "Mexican Mylk" a recipe from my book written by Ani Phyo. In the top picture I have my dehydrator and my yogurt maker going full force.

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